The day the sun fell...ghost roads of Britain.

One thing lead to another, as it does.

When writing about Sekhmet  I was fascinated by the cloudy yellow scarab at the centre of a piece of jewellery worn by king Tutankhamun; I was fascinated to learn that it is made from vitrified sand.

The temperature at the desert surface was at least 1600 Celsius to melt the sand.

Images flow outwards from the thinking: of science fiction death-rays, Tesla and the Tunguska explosion of 1908, C-beams; images from Halo, recollection of the missile defense shield as imagined by President Reagan.

One thing leads to another and I found myself looking at images of HAARP, the ionospheric heater.

The odd thing about HAARP is, it has been singled out as the ionospheric heater...actually there are at least two more in operation right now. One belongs to 'us' Europeans as EISCAT, with it's ionospheric heater located at Ramfjord, and the other, in Russia is called Sura.

I expect that there are more.

So...where does HAARP fit in with ghost roads?
Nowhere really, just thinking about lines of force, how the ionosphere is plasma organised by the lines of magnetism emanating from the earth (thus creating the magnetosphere).

Thinking about how magnetism is an effect of a current of electricity, and electricity is the flow of electrons.

Thinking about the modern myths that derive from knowledge. As far as we know we are on the surface of a spinning ball of rock that has a weird electrical heart, spinning around a ball of plasma (the sun) that is also spinning through space and bathing this planet in waves of more sun-stuff (plasma).

It seems very unlikely that things on this planet are simple or predictable; electricity flows and causes a pulse to dance through everything.

When Alfred Watkins saw lines in the land (1921) he saw them as signs of ancient pathways. Then slowly over the years, Alfred Watkins’s ley lines accumulated other meanings; from UFO navigation 'roads' to geomantic dragon paths, from spirit paths to earth energy and back to spirit paths.

In 1989, Paul Devereux and Nigel Pennick published, Lines in the Landscape, in it Paul Devereux suggested archaic landscape lines were spirit lines rather than "energy lines".

Energy lines are a very modern interpretation of weirdness, originally movement was interpreted as a property associated with life. The wind and water also moved and so possessed something almost life, but not quite. The thorough and empirical description of energy, and the use of mathematics to quantify that movement or to name the kind of movement didn't happen until the invention of steam engines. Electricity and magnetism were also originally (in our culture) linked to anima (the animating force of life). When electricity and especially X ray and radio became a part of our cultures mythic thinking, spirits could be heard in white noise...and x ray proved that something could travel through solid walls.

So it is logical to assume that a concept of spirit lines would predate a concept of energy lines.

Before Arthur Watkins wrote about ley-lines, W Y Evans Wentz in 1911, had recorded a Breton belief in the Ankou, a king of the dead. He recorded that it was believed that the Ankou's subjects have their own particular paths or roads over which they travel in great sacred processions.
'On November eve the living are expected to prepare a feast and entertainment for the dead, of curded-milk, hot pancakes, and cider, served on the family table covered with a fresh white table-cloth. The dead come to enjoy this party with their friends; and as they take their places at the table the chairs are heard to move, and sometimes the plates; and the musicians who help to entertain them think that at times they feel the cold breath of the invisible visitors'.
I think we have two kinds of experiences here, the first is a distant recollection of an ancient tradition, an echo of the original beliefs that had caused the creation of the cursus, and secondly an experience of something real..

Unfortunately no one describes how they know that there are ghost roads, but the experience of weird, and
the understanding of it as pathways remains.

Ghost roads are odd; I cannot begin to answer what they really are. I stepped onto one once and I don't wish to repeat it, but the experience has always puzzled me. It was as if I had walked into a river of invisible cold water.

I didn't feel as if anything in it could see me; I didn't feel any consciousness within it. A strip of land was simply colder when I stepped into the invisible line of cold...and warmer when I had walked through it....

Well it is a long way from HAARP with its energy pathways; a linear array of microwave transmitters to my river of cold air, to the coils of a labyrinth (I still maintain that using a labyrinth makes a dowsable pathway).
I suppose I should try to remember where the 'ghost path' was, and see if it is still there, take a photo or two.

Pomegranate rattle.
And I should buy a pomegranate to see if I can make a rattle.

Meanwhile, this is a pomegranate rattle made from clay, circa 500-400 BC, found in Cyprus.

And in this article about ancient music:
The book of Exodus tells us that Aaron’s garment was decorated with bells. Aaron served as priest at the desert tabernacle during the Exodus wanderings, which are generally placed in the 13th century B.C., 400 years before the date of the oldest known bell. The explanation of this discrepancy is to be found in an error of translation. The Hebrew word which is universally translated as “bells” in the relevant passages from Exodus is pa’ammonim (singular pa’ammon). The hem of Aaron’s robe is decorated with embroidered pomegranates of various colors, alternating, we are told, with “bells”:
Dried pomegranates.
“In its hems made pomegranates of blue, purple and crimson yarns, all around the hem, with bells (pa’ammonim) of gold between them around about: a golden bell and a pomegranate, alternately all around the hem of the robe. Aaron shall wear it while officiating, so that the sound of it is heard when he comes into the sanctuary before the Lord and when he goes out that he may not die”
(Exodus 28:33–35; see also Exodus 39:24–26).b
These “bells” were not true bells but, rather, rattling or jingling devices. Noise-making attachments to garments are known in almost all ancient cultures and served what scholars call an apotropaic function—that is, they gave the wearer magical protection. Note that Aaron’s robe was protected in this way “that he might not die.”
Dried poppy heads.
There is always going to be a confusion between pomegranates and poppy heads...they look so similar in pictures or carvings.

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